The Tennessee Poultry Association will host a grower meeting for commercial poultry growers, live production team members, allied industry members, university poultry students and faculty next week. The meeting will be held on Thursday, November 3rd in Cleveland, TN at The Museum Center at 5ive Points at 200 Inman St E. Registration begins at 2:30 pm ET, and program begins at 3:00 pm ET. Advance registration is NOT required.
Topics & Speakers:
- HPAI Lessons Learned, Dr. Samantha Beaty, State Veterinarian, TN Dept of Ag
- Winter ventilation topics, Jim Donald, Emeritus Professor & Director, Auburn NPTC
- TAEP and Master Poultry Producer certification programs, Tom Tabler, UT Poultry Extension & Research Specialist
- Financial & Business updates, Dennis Brothers, Auburn University, Dept of Ag Economics